
What is Deep Learning in Cloud: Building an approach to Cloud, AI and Machine Learning Jobs


The tech jungle is getting extremely competitive and the top companies are moving at a neck breaking speed to adopt and service IT, Cloud, AI and Machine Learning. In their current stock of IT services and data management, there are hundreds of new –as—a-service (such as DaaS, iPaaS, UCaaS, SaaS, AI-aaS, and so on) that you can learn and apply in your current roles. And, Deep Learning makes adoption of these technologies seamlessly easy and readily available for operations across diverse industries.

But first, what exactly is Deep Learning?

In a layman’s language, Deep Learning is a hierarchical learning from unstructured or unlabeled data sets. It is considered as the subset of machine learning, often learned and adopted together with Neural Learning and Cognitive learning.

While machine learning needs to supervised and run using algorithms, Deep Learning can parse, learn and analyze data on its own—at a highly advanced unsupervised level of management.

Deep Learning using Python can be classified as Deep Learning AI, and Deep Learning Cognitive.

What’s the current state of Deep Learning in the Cloud Industry?

According to a global survey on Deep Learning applications, Computer vision is the biggest driver of the technology. Currently, top ranking Fortune 1000 Companies have invested USD 8 Billion on this technology which they expect to grow by 55% year on year until 2022.

Some of the renowned players in the Deep Learning using Python as a base include hardware, software and services providers from these verticals:

  • Image Recognition
  • Text Processing
  • Inventory Planning (visit this website to learn all about it)
  • Voice Search and Conversational AI
  • Internet of Things
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Audio Advertising
  • Virtual Assistants and Call Center Automation
  • Call Analytics and Data Managers

Did you know that 90% of the Cloud-focused start-ups companies are providing Deep Learning applications to the market?


Deep Learning computers have been here for some months, but their servicing have been tough to handle. New applications that run on Machine Learning using Python can help to realize unmatched computing speed with interestingly accurate results!

Recently Google AI announced the launch of AI platform at their Google Cloud Next 2019 event. Currently, the world’s coolest online company is investing billions to space out technology for Machine Learning, AI, Cloud and much more though a range of platforms including Google Marketing Cloud and TensorFlow.

Other companies that are offering Deep Learning jobs include the likes of Accenture, Atlassian, Google AI, Chef Software, Cloudbees, NVIDIA, Heroku, IBM, Jetbrains, Red Hat, VMWare, Wipro, Microsoft, Xebialabs, HG Insights and so on.

Wait, you can make your own business using the cutting edge advancements in Deep Learning.

If you are aiming to work with Deep Learning, it’s a great time to grow your expertise.

Alen Parker
Alen Parker is a critically-acclaimed writer who has generated a wide range of content during his professional career. His industry-wide experience into writing for different niches is certainly an admirable aspect that empowers him to create enriching, informative write-ups.

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