
How to Save Money on Building Maintenance without Cutting Corners


If you are in charge of managing the budget for your building, you will know that this can be a juggling act between trying to keep the costs as low as possible for the corporate businesses who work in your building while trying to make sure the employees get the best deal possible. You may also want to consider getting a fire barrier as part of your building protection and maintenance, DuraBarrier USA website is a place to visit if you are interested about it. Here are some great ways to save money on building maintenance without cutting corners. 

Know the Law

Firstly, it is important to know the law in the state you are working in, especially when it comes to issues like health and safety. If you fall foul of these, it could cost your company a lot more money than you would be able to save, so make sure you know what you have to do and where you would be allowed to save money before you start. 


Many services can be outsourced, and this can work out a lot cheaper. Whether you need commercial janitorial services, a security team, or an elevator service such as ATIS, it can work out a lot more cost-effective to hire an outside team rather than trying to keep these jobs in-house. 

Shop Around

If you are managing a large building, you may have more purchasing power than you think. Outsourced companies will want your business, so it is worth shopping around to make sure you get the best deal and the best service for the money you are paying. For example, if you need commercial roofing contractors to work on your building’s roof, don’t be afraid to negotiate on their rates. If they want your business, they may come down in price and there may be a great deal to be had. This is something you should keep in mind, specially if your project involves a major overhaul like a roof replacement for example.

Efficient Power

Companies cost themselves a lot of money every year because employees leave the lights on in rooms or areas they are not using. Consider switching to automated lighting which will switch off when nobody is in the room, and you could save thousands of dollars per year on building maintenance costs. It may cost your company money to make the switch but, once you have done so, you will save a lot of money, do a lot of good for the environment, and the employees won’t be inconvenienced as they won’t know whether the lights are on or not in a room they are not using. In fact, they may not even notice that you have made the change. 

Buy Own Brand

If you are in charge of buying products such as tea, coffee, or cleaning supplies, consider switching to store brands rather than branded products. This can be significantly cheaper, and they don’t taste that different. Some of the employees may even prefer the cheaper brands. The savings may not be significant for each product, but they will certainly add up over the course of the year and reduce your expenditure significantly. 

Follow these tips if you want to save money on building maintenance without cutting corners. You may be surprised at just how much money these changes could save you.

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