
3 Security Updates all Businesses Need


Whilst the leaps aren’t as noticeable, technology is continuing to advance every day that we use it. As developers are coming up with new and exciting ways to improve the user experience, hackers are also finding new ways to exploit holes in their designs to steal data. Here’s some of the security updates you need to make sure your business is protected whilst online.

Software and app updates

The simplest updates to improve security are often the ones that you just need to click one button to accept. Software and app companies are constantly improving their programming to add new features, improve how it runs and also fix any security problems it may have encountered or are worried they will encounter over the next few months. We’ve all felt that annoyance when a pop up asks us to run an update and restart our computer at the most inconvenient of times, but it’s important that we don’t keep putting them off. 


One of the strongest defenses for your internet security is a firewall, if you want to learn more about internet security use this link to understand more about managed incident response. They basically create a protective barrier around your computer. That wall then inspects every webpage that you click on and decides whether it’s safe to access before it loads up the page. Their information is constantly updated, so they’ll be able to spot even the most recently created pages with malicious intentions and stop you from putting your computer in jeopardy. 

Previously firewalls would have needed a piece of hardware installed in your companies network or take up a lot of room on your computer when installed. Now you can get firewalls that run directly from the cloud and offer the same level of protection whilst you’re working at work and at home. For example, SonicWall have created a NSv application (which stands for Network Security virtual) which uses reassembly free deep packet inspection (RFDPI) to provide a deep level of security examination. The system also includes other security devices like VPNs (virtual private network), which encrypts any data you submit to a website so a criminal can’t steal from other websites you commonly use. 

Antivirus Software

It’s one of the most common and probably the most known about piece of security software by people with even the most basic understanding of how computers work. The main purpose of antivirus software has been to detect malicious software, such as spyware or Trojan Horses. These are things which people are often tricked into downloading and installing, believing they are installing something else. Once detected, the software then works on shutting the programme down before it can damage your PC.Many people argue that antivirus software is no longer needed. With things like firewalls it’s become increasingly unlikely that you would be able to download something so malicious onto your computer. Sometimes even the most trustworthy of websites can unintentionally be tricked into advertising software with viruses, so you can never be to careful. You might think you’d be able to spot them, but it’s important to be protected if one day you or one of your colleagues don’t realise the risk.

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