
7 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Rome?


Rome is so large, and even the most ardent tourist should take some time to relax and enjoy la dolce vita at a park or sidewalk cafĂ©. With this handy list of the greatest attractions in Rome, you’ll be able to select the finest locations to visit. 

Before visiting this one-of-a-kind city, learn about its world-renowned sites, countless ruins, fashionable neighbourhoods, and spectacular cathedrals.

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower represents Paris, and the Flavian Amphitheatre represents Rome. The Colosseum, the greatest edifice bequeathed to us by Roman antiquity, still serves as a model for sports arenas – modern football stadium architecture is obviously based on this oval Roman layout. Vespasian began construction in AD 72, and when his son Titus expanded it by adding a fourth floor, it was dedicated in AD 80 with a series of magnificent games. The process of online United Airlines flight Booking is also simple, that anyone can do it easily.

Trevi Fountain

Throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain is a ritual that is said to ensure your return to Rome. The Fontana di Trevi, Rome’s biggest fountain, is fed by an aqueduct built by Agrippa, the renowned art patron of the first century BC, to deliver water to his baths. It shows Oceanus (Neptune), the sea god, with horses, tritons, and shells. Water rushes around the figurines and artificial rocks, eventually collecting in a huge basin that is always full of money. United Airlines Reservations provides amazing services and facilities.

Santa Maria Maggiore

Santa Maria Maggiore had stood here since the fourth century when Pope Liberius had a vision of the Virgin telling him to build a church where snow would fall the next day. Since the fifth century, every day has seen the celebration of Mass. Its 86-meter-long interior is divided into three aisles by 40 marble columns. Despite the fact that it was August, snow fell on the Esquiline hill the next morning, prompting the construction of the magnificent basilica, and the apse erected in the 13th century is decorated with mosaics of Old and New Testament subjects, masterpieces of Rome’s greatest mosaic artisans. Book United Airlines tickets and reach Santa Maria Maggiore.

Piazza Navona 

During the Middle Ages, it was still used for festivals and horse races, and it was restored in the Baroque style by Borromini, who also created the beautiful line of palaces and the cathedral of Sant’Agnese on its west side.


The massive tepidarium served as the shell for Michelangelo’s church of Santa Maria Degli Angeli, while antiquity occupies another section, the Museo Nazionale Romano. Greek and Roman sculpture, as well as later sarcophagi, beautiful mosaics, and pre-Christian art, are all on display. The late-16th-century church of San Bernardo Alle Terme was built in a rotunda at the baths’ corner; its dome is comparable to but half the size of the Pantheon’s.

The Borghese Gardens

The Borghese Gardens are home to a variety of attractions, including two museums, the most notable of which is the Villa Borghese. The villa was built as a party residence and to house the Borghese art collection, which includes paintings by Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, and Rubens. Villa Giulia, which houses the Etruscan Museum, was erected as a vacation home for Pope Julius III in the 16th century.

The Roman Forum

The Roman Forum, located between Piazza Venezia and the Colosseum, was the centre of political and social activities among the Roman people. The forum, which is currently located in the centre of a bustling modern metropolis, is like stepping back two millennia into the heart of ancient Rome. However, little remains of this hub of Roman life and administration exhibits just a small portion of its original magnificence, such as its triumphal arches and standing and fallen columns. Roman political and religious life, as well as the courts, marketplaces, and meeting places, were concentrated here. After the seventh century, the structures fell into disrepair, and churches and castles were constructed among the ruins.

Visit United Airlines official site and book your tickets to spend a holiday in Rome.

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