
Here Are The Best Ways To Hire Staff You Can Trust


Employing the right staff can be tough. With piles of applications and only thread-bare references to rely on, it can be almost impossible to find the best candidate. That’s before you know if they’re somebody you can trust. After all, you are handing out valuable corporate secrets to a stranger, and even Sherlock Holmes can’t spot a star from a slacker. You may navigate here to get help from an agency to help you find your next employees.

Thankfully, you’re not alone. Here are the best methods you can use to hire staff you can trust today:

Take your candidates out of their comfort zone

This could mean inviting them on a team-building day, inviting them to lunch, or even just hosting the interview in a location other than your office. You can learn a lot about a person from how they act in alien environments.

Get them to do some work

By giving candidates a dummy run (if possible), you allow them an opportunity to prove how punctual, efficient, and trustworthy they are, not to mention, demonstrate the quality of their work. If setting each candidate some work isn’t feasible, why not work with them in the interview? Firing some simple blue-sky project ideas and forth can quickly give you an idea of the person’s skill level, and personality.

Do a background check

If you are an employer who is interested in conducting more thorough background check for employment, you can visit employment sites like Sterling Check. Hiring a company like to do your background checks is a sure-fire way of finding the right candidates. At the very least, you will no longer be in the dark about their past and present. 

Give them personality tests

You could even give them personality tests to ascertain whether the role would suit their temperament. Candidates are human beings, and like all human beings, they tend to have black spots when discussing themselves. A professional personality test should provide clarity.

Ask the right questions 

In the interview, ask them about themselves. Candidates (even the brightest talents) will be focussed entirely on answering questions about the role and their resume. This gives them the opportunity to prepare their answers and brush over any unfortunate gaps in their experience or references. Put them on the spot by asking them more probing questions about their character and relations with others. You’ll soon tell who has something to hide and who doesn’t. It will also reveal which candidate is best at thinking on their feet, a desirable quality for any company.

Focus on what they do, not what they say

It is often said that actions speak louder than words, and so it is with hiring staff. This is not to say you shouldn’t listen to their answers, only that the way they present themselves will tell you far more than their rehearsed lines. A lack of punctuality, poor dress sense, grumpy manner, and slouching body language are all easy ways to spot the ‘wrong’ candidate. 

Work in groups

Often, it is other candidates who provide the clearest indication of who’s right for your company. While some work better in teams than others, getting candidates working together will highlight who the natural leaders are. So why not carry out some team building activities to see how they get on?

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