
Three Mobile Marketing Hacks to Succeed in 2020


Mobile is no longer the future. It has become the future.

In the spirit of boring cliches, we start off by avoiding the age-old digital marketing habit of explaining how important mobiles have become. Their ubiquity is for all to see. There is no need to delve into why marketers should focus on mobile marketing.

However, the question of mastering mobile marketing is something which should be discussed. There are many brands and companies who have successfully managed to be as popular amongst the mobile audience as they were with desktop audiences. Then there are those who couldn’t quite manage the transition and fell behind. Finally, there are those who are starting out and wondering how to begin mobile marketing. Most of the Digital Marketing Institutes have included mobile marketing as the major subject of their Digital Marketing Course curriculums.

Don’t know what mobile marketing is? Here’s the brief. Marketing techniques used to promote commodities and brands to people specifically on mobile devices is called mobile marketing. In an age where most audiences use mobile phones, one could make the assumption that most marketing techniques are a subset of mobile marketing.

However, that is a broader subject and best left for another time. In this article, we will delve into some sleek mobile marketing hacks that can help you run better marketing campaigns and gather more traction from mobile audiences.

Start Using Mobile Features of Google Search Console

If you didn’t know yet, you do know now.

Google Search Console is a free analysis tool which allows digital marketers to see how search engines are indexing webpages of a website. It also contains an in-depth tool which analyses how a website’s pages perform on mobile devices.

The simplest way you can shore up your mobile marketing efforts is use Search Console to check whether your webpages are being indexed well to appear on mobile search.

Run Whatsapp Marketing Campaign

Whatsapp marketing is growing slowly as an effective way for businesses to market to mobile users. A big reason why many marketing campaigns fail to get a mobile audience is that they do not reach their audience on platforms widely used on mobile. As far as mobile platforms go, there are not many bigger than Whatsapp.

This mobile marketing hack may seem largely common, but it’s really not. Marketers are often too busy leveraging audiences on Facebook and Instagram while forgetting conveniently the tremendous engagement they can get from Whatsapp. This is not to mention the personable environment of interacting with people through text directly as opposed to posting blankly on social media.

Go Local

People use mobiles a lot of times to query about local topics. Whether it’s finding a restaurant near a location or a sight, the best way to reach mobile users is covering topics which are relevant locally.

For one, businesses can start off by registering themselves on Google My Business. The content created should also address locally relevant topics.

In Conclusion

In this article, we discuss three mobile marketing hacks which can help businesses improve their relationship and reach among mobile audiences.

About the Author – KishanSoni is a longtime marketing strategist and content planner with many years of experience in the field. He works at DelhiCourses, an institute known as best digital marketing institute in Delhi.

Alen Parker
Alen Parker is a critically-acclaimed writer who has generated a wide range of content during his professional career. His industry-wide experience into writing for different niches is certainly an admirable aspect that empowers him to create enriching, informative write-ups.

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