
What are the steps to make my boot shine?


Keeping the shines of expensive leather shoes is a challenge for anyone. Some people think nobody will ever notice their boots because they never look down at your feet, but they’d be wrong because there’s no point looking fabulous in your new dress or suit when you’re wearing uncared-for boots on your feet. 

Good boots polishing process will not only make your boots look amazing, but it will also expand the entire lifetime of your cost. 

Knowing how to polish your own boots will give you an incredible feeling of happiness and save you a lot of money over the years. 

Shoe polishing is very easy to do once you have the right cleaning brush and slight patience. With a Shoe polish brush, you have a couple of options when it comes to applying your polish. 

Horsehair brush for boot shining

A high-quality horsehair brush is ideal for boot shining as it allows you to get into the nooks and crannies with its coarse bristles. So it would be best if you were prepared to use this once the taking dust, clean the entire leather surface, and then use it to polish. 

Once any other coatings of polish have dried, choose your horsehair brush and clear the extra polish using the respected handling brush. 

Don’t be afraid to put some elbow grease into it — the heat generated from the vigorous brushstrokes helps the polish to sink into the leather.

How do boots get to shine?

When you try to start polishing, it is essential that you first clean your shoes to remove any dirt or dust. Otherwise, the ground could get trapped under the polish or scratch the exterior of the boots. Next, dust the boot fastly with your horsehair brush to clear any debris present on the surface. 

Most people just wear an old cotton t-shirt or another soft rag. Therefore, it is also feasible to get detailed polishing brushes with flexible, comfortable, short bristles. These brushes come with combo offers in most shoe polishing kits, which you may choose to buy it. You will also need an old toothbrush or some q-tips to work the polish into hard-to-reach areas. 

Clean with Jump shoe polishing brush

Once the polish is dry, you can begin to remove the excess with your Jump shoe polish brush for shining. First, brush the whole shoe thoroughly, using respected handling. 

  • This step is necessary to remove the dust particles or make complete polish to your shoe.
  • Mostly waste cloths and shirt materials can be used for most of the steps in the shoe shining process. So in that, A proper jump shoe polish brush is necessary for this particular step and cannot be substituted by anything else.
  • Use the polish on one aspect of your boot at the moment. I start with the toe box. Rub the polish on the small sides of the shoe, working it into every part of the leather. Add one layer for a subtle cleaning or several layers for more shine. a

Jump shoe polish brush to make your shoe shine

Apply medium pressure and make sure to coat the surface evenly, paying particular attention to the toe and heel, which get the most wear.

  • Alternatively, a brush using nylon clothes helps clean the leather shoe surface easily. 
  • Use a jump shoe polish brush to work the polish into the hard-to-reach places, such as the edge of the upper and the cracks in the tongue.
  • You may also want to apply polish to the entire of your boots with the help of such an amazing brush. 

Read More : What’s the difference between shoe polish and shoe wax?

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