
3 Arts and Crafts Projects for When You’re Bored


Boredom can hit at any time, and it’s always a challenge to combat it. The good news is that there is no end to the fun activities you can get up to, and you don’t need to spend your time staring at a screen either. Arts and crafts projects are particularly awesome for fighting off boredom because, not only do you have something to focus your concentration on, you also have something you can be proud of at the end of it. No matter your level of skill, here are three amazing projects that you can do to keep boredom at bay. Just remember to tidy up afterward!

The T-Shirt Pillow

One of the easiest crafts projects you’ll ever find, turning one of your old tees into something practical which is also an upcycling project that you can feel proud of. You’ll need to find a t-shirt that you no longer wear but still love, and you may have to head to the art supply shop for some quality stuffing too. However, once you’ve got everything chosen, this is a craft project that can take as little as ten minutes if you’re handy with a needle and thread. Give your room or your home a more personal touch, and turn your most-loved tees into a practical room accessory. It’s always frustrating to outgrow a fave t-shirt, but no matter how faded or covered in holes it might be, it might have a whole new lease of life as a brilliant pillow.

Get Shiny

High gloss desks are all the rage, but you don’t have to spend hundreds on a fancy new home office desk. If you already have your home office or bedroom battle station in place but you always think that something is missing, simply start by clearing the top and giving it a good sand down. You need to make sure that it’s as clean and smooth as possible, sealing any holes with some epoxy resin. Once you’re ready, you can paint your desk any colors you’d want, although most tend to stick with the standard wood. Then, simply but carefully pour your epoxy resin directly onto the table top. Leave everything to set for a few days, and voila! A brand new table that adds real gleam to any room.

Pine Cones for the Kitchen

Perfect for all ages, this project only needs some pine cones (any size), small magnets, paint, and glue (you can buy glue gun and glue sticks from Glue Guns Direct). Start by removing the top half of the pine cones, leaving the stem so that you have a bottom-heavy cone at the end. The easiest decoration to do with your cone is to turn it into a daisy, and you simply turn it the right side up and paint the ‘petals’ white, and the center in yellow. All you have to do then is glue one of your magnets to the base of your flower and you have a fridge magnet that you can use to keep your kid’s art, shopping lists, or daily reminders in full view. The best thing about this project is that you can do as many as you like, and the more practice, the more variety of flowers you will finish up with.

If you want to take charge of your boredom and you want to explore your creativity, there’s no end to the arts and craft projects that you can do. Get experimenting and you’ll not only beat boredom but also be giving your home that unique sense of style.

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